
Black Farm Studio House Co.

Black Farm Studio House Co. has been quietly and safely providing support to those most impacted by unforeseen events. We’ve prioritized our initiatives for Black, Brown, Indigenous, LGBTQIA2 and nonbinary-identified individuals, who are often vulnerable, challenged and unrecognized in many industries, services and advocacy.

As Black queer people, we are informed by the dimensions of identity shaping who we are and who we are not. We understand that intersectionality has led to systematic oppressions of Black lives made in the margins.
We have materialized only a sliver of a freedom dream advocating for the personal and social well-being of marginalized bodies and genders. In order to continue our dream work, Black Farm Studio House Co. needs further support from communities and organizations at large.

Consider planting a seed and help us break new ground. All donations are fully tax-deductible in the United States to the extent provided by the law. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support!

Federal Tax ID: EIN #85-1989029

BLACK FARM STUDIO HOUSE CO. advocates for the health and wellness of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA2 communities.
California Mailing Address
506 S Spring St #13308
SMB #10586
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Virginia Mailing Address
700 E Main St #2487
Richmond, VA 23219